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A concept for the Nature
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Why SmartLab ?
Plants are a vital element to global biodiversity and a basic resource that assure human well-being.
Although our life depends directly on plants, the use of these is very superficial. As an example, in Europe where the plant research is the most advanced, we only find 9000 plants varieties registered in 190 species for research purpose. However, Europe rely itself on its R&D technology and its production process to create a 20 billion product european market based on these species.
Based on 2017 State of world plants (Etat des plantes du monde, 2017), 415,800 plants were registered that year.
In other terms, the plants on which we are carryin out specific research are low. Because of the missing global research on local species (based on data published on 2017 by the Global bank), about 4.5261 billions of agricultors in the world are planting species with possible high added value, but their survival is threatened.
This is the initial objective of the SmartLab project. Laboratories and professional european factories working together, as well as organizations and institutions that support this strategy, and governments, intergovernmental organizations, universities, research institutes, labs that help to provide technical services to expend the usage of plants. The most innovative part of our strategy is to allow the creation of a communication platform about plants species for european technology, with goals that we wish to reach in 2022. These goals are divided in 3 axis : Food, nutrition and beauty. The success of this model would lead to a better preservation of the species, global sustainable development and reduction of rural poverty in the world.