The hidden value in plants
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SmartLab in Africa: Ravinsara
Coming from Madagascar, Ravinsara means "good for everything leave" in Malagasy. The island inhabitants have used it for a very longtime as a natural remedy to heal many ills and diseases. The Ravinsara essentail oil is known for its antivral, anti-infectious and pain-reliving properties.
SmartLab in America: Green Propolis
Produced by bees the protect the hive, propolis is a greek word meaning "entrance of the city". The green propolis is a type propolis available only in Brazil as it is coming from the Bacharis, a tree specific from this region and which gives it's green color due to the chlorophyl contained in it. The green propolis has antibacterial and antiviral properties, that helps to improve the body's immune defenses. I can also be used in product for sensitive skin as it helps to purify the skin and keeps it healthy.
SmartLab in Europe: Corn/Maize
Originally from Central America, the corn was introduced in Europe in the XVIIth Century and has now become the most cultivated cereal in the world. The natural corn has been used for a long time for its advantages, as it is rich in slow sugars, as well as fibers and proteins. It facilitates the transit and statiates easily.
SmartLab in Oceany : Kiwi
Altough the plant was born in China, it has been correctly cultivated in New Zealand to give us the fruit that we all know and that was named after a specific animal native from there, the Kiwi. Rich in vitamins and fibers, it helps for the digestion, helps to satiate, and also participates to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes
SmartLab in Asia: CiLi
Coming from China, the Cili is the fruit of the Rosa roxburghii also known as chesnut rose. It is cultivated in the heights on the Pan Zhou Province and most used for of its main properties. The fruit is very rich in vitamin C, in much higher amount than the normal fruit. It helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, strenghten immunity and improve dental health.